Long day, rough month. Much needed shower beer. Faded Flannel Blonde Ale.
imgur.com category @underscorecounter
Today I posted my first shower beer. Now for something a bit more NSFW. Cheers!
imgur.com category @myburneraccountokay
imgur.com category @brygphilomena
After a long day nothing like a steamy shower and an old reliable IPA
imgur.com category @MayBeWilling2share
Too many beers yesterday, shower and otherwise. Showercoffee for the hangover
imgur.com category @pm_me_helicopters
First shower beer and my dick's internet premiere appearance. Ruthless Rye IPA
imgur.com category @mynewpornaccount_
There's no better ti[m]e or place for a shower beer than in a hotel shower
imgur.com category @KenAddams