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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/OnStageGW/comments/5mkztw/jessica_alba_strip_club_scene_in_sin_city_2/) by @[deleted]

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Her no topless rule really kind of ruined the continuity of an otherwise perfect movie. Every other girl in the movie didn't have a problem with it and she's in a strip club and won't take her top off? Later, a sex maniac has her kidnapped and bound but she's clothed? Makes no sense. It's one of the few times in a movie that toplessness made sense and Rodriguez wanted her so bad that he gave in to her demands.
It's just not as sexy
And [the finished scene](https://youtu.be/qnrrRByj1Ls) with the rest of the set CGIed in.
Kinda the most unsexy thing I've seen in a while...
That weird stomach pump move on all fours is just not sexy in any way. It looks like she's dry heaving.
Holy shit! The red head, at the bottom left of the gif, right at the beginning... I know her!

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

imgur.com category @totes-muh-gotes

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

imgur.com category @totes-muh-gotes

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

imgur.com category @Tnargkiller

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

imgur.com category @rockbuddyw

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

imgur.com category @WeAreWonderfulNow

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

imgur.com category @solu579