8 XXX : chubby



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from #thread (https://reddit.com/r/chubby/comments/f1hu1z/since_this_body_got_rejected_by_a_few_guys_it/) by @windyland2

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You must be meeting a bunch of immature, insecure assholes, if you're getting ghosted. I'm afraid that our info-tech culture has normalized this atrocious approach to relationships, and I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I hope you know that you're spectacularly sexy and desirable, so while chemistry can't be forced (and most guys know pretty instantly if they're physically attracted to somebody), I suspect that only the biggest idiots are rejecting you based on your hot bod'.
What kind of dumbasses would reject that body
Who the hell would reject you? Must be a Moron bc you are gorgeous
The idiocy level is high. You may have dodged a bullet.
Welcome to the single pringles club •<• Every single gets a free complimentary can of Pringles ?
Your obviously intimidating these so called" men"..in no universe or versions of reality could i ever reject the sexual beauty that you are displaying..?
I'm gonna go ahead and jump on the I'd never reject you train, because damn, you are gorgeous

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