The way just the dick is photoshopped out, but the balls are still there is unsettling
There's an old dead sub dedicated to this r/dicklips
Aaaand now my boss wants to know what's so funny...
Why is this a thing? Why are there so many? Why did I look at all of them?!
Who hurt you?
Annnddddd some casual nugget porn
12 is fucking perfect lol
Too much lorena bobbitt-ing for me
Largemouth Ass
I would be far more surprised if there wasn't than if there was
That really big vein on 16 made my dick shrivel up. That looks uncomfortable as hell.
This is great! Why can't I ever think of creative things to do with my porn obsession?
I wanted to come in here with something witty or clever but I'll just say "hahaha"
This is great.
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
12 is just eating the head, about to chew it like bubble gum
This needs to be a subreddit
Not what i expected
Those are some fucked up fingers in pic 13
Number 19. What is the change exactly?
I'm so glad I clicked on this
There's an old dead sub dedicated to this r/dicklips
Aaaand now my boss wants to know what's so funny...
Why is this a thing? Why are there so many? Why did I look at all of them?!
Who hurt you?
Annnddddd some casual nugget porn
12 is fucking perfect lol
Too much lorena bobbitt-ing for me
Largemouth Ass
I would be far more surprised if there wasn't than if there was
That really big vein on 16 made my dick shrivel up. That looks uncomfortable as hell.
This is great! Why can't I ever think of creative things to do with my porn obsession?
I wanted to come in here with something witty or clever but I'll just say "hahaha" This is great.
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
12 is just eating the head, about to chew it like bubble gum
This needs to be a subreddit
Not what i expected
Those are some fucked up fingers in pic 13
Number 19. What is the change exactly?
I'm so glad I clicked on this